Business System Development Case Study

SAP Satellite based Accounting System

Platfome Windows2008Server
DBMS Oracle Database 10g
Cooperated system SAP ERP
Development languages VB6.0、PL/SQL
Development tools Grapecity Inc. FlexGrid,Active Reports
Functional overview This system, as a satellite system of SAP ERP, acquires accounting data from SAP and manages receiving orders and collecting due payments. All of the informations processed by this system will be stored to SAP ERP.
Benefits The work load of accounting section in charge of this work has been optimized by this system.
Customer The major manufacturing company

Customer Information Management

Platform Windows2008Server
DBMS Oracle Database 11g
Middleware Facsimile Connection Driver
Cooperated system  
Development languages .NET C#
Development tools Grapecity Inc. FlexGrid Microsoft Office Excel
Functional overview This system manages the installed customer's machine informations, and keep the consumables' records. And all of consumables will be refreshed by using this system. Especially, such kind of informations are delivered by FAX network, this system is linking to multifunctional FAX machine and also making and distributing the documents with automatically.
Benefits In old procedure, FAX distribution work had been done by man power each by each. This system improve these kind of work by automated way, so it effects to reduce the labor cost and media cost. And also it is possible to share the customer information and then get more sales activities.
Customer Leading commercial equipment manufacturing and sales trading

Wast Disposal Management System

Platform Windows 7
Cooperated system Handy Terminal
2D Barcode
Development languages .NET VB
Development tools Grapecity Inc. FlexGrid
Microsoft Office Excel
Rolan Co., Ltd. QR Plot OCX
Functional overview This system support to manage the collection and proper disposal of waste liquid and waste generated in experiments etc. This system assist for making waste applications, tracing the procedures, printing labels for container with bar code. This system can trace from collecting the disposal container until delivering to the waste disposal company. And also it supports writing the "electronic manifesto" based on the Waste Disposal Law.
Customer Educational foundation

Barcode inspection system for Document printing manufacturing

Platform Windows7 Professonal
Cooperated system Handy terminal(KEYENCE BT-W150)
Development languages .NET C#
Development tools KEYENCE development tool kits
Functional overview This system, which had been developed for the form printing at the docment printing company, manages and tracks the printing job status by using bar code which will be attached to the printing form from the printing workflow. This system is running on the Windows environment and generating the barcode data for sending to the handy barcode reader. As the barcode terminal has the function which verify between this barcode and printed bar code data on the documents.
Benefits Before getting this inspection system for the printed products, operator had to check by visual inspection. Today, no more visual inspection should be required and be able to check very quickly by using the Handy Terminal.
Customer Major Printing manufacturing company

Budget plan and management system

Platform Windows7
Cooperated system  
Development languages VBA
Developnment tools  
Functional overview This system streamlines the administrative task from the formulation of expenses budget to implementation status and creates budget application documents to be submitted to the finance department.
Benefits Most of the budget planning work had been done by using the Excel worksheet manually, but as the system has been rebuilt with MS-ACCESS automated work. The workload of accounting personnel at the time of budget formulation was greatly reduced.
Customer Major industroy manufacture

Product Development Business Contribution Analysis System

Platform Windows7
Cooperated system  
Development languages VBA
DEvelopment tools  
Functional overview On basis of the expenses spent on research and development, this system verify how level of this developed product contributes to company performance (order value, sales amount, gross margin)
Benefits The conventional many tasks which used Excel sheet each by each have been automated by using MS-Access. The work load of the person in charge of development management has been reduced. In addition, accumulated data and graphs helps management strategy.
Customer Major industroy manufacture

Mission critical business system

Platform IBM iSeries (AS/400)
Cooperated system  
Development languages RPG
DEvelopment tools  
Functional overview This system had been developed for "core business system" of cooperative association with "accounting", "purchasing", "insurance", etc. as all new system. This system has been still working on the IBM iSeries system since 1995 without any problem.
Cusomer Medical cooperative association

Printing solution from mainframe computers

Mercury Print Server


Legacy system migration solution

.NET migration of VB6.0 based project

Platform Windows Server 2008
DBMS Oracle
Middleware Grapcity FlexGrid
Cooperated system SAP
Development languages VB6.0、.NET VB、PL/SQL
System name Finantial accounting service system
Number of migrations 6 projects
Development project volume About 400 applications
Migration man power About 60 man-months
Transition period About 12 months
Customer Major industory manufacture
Platform Windows Server 2012、Windows7
Middleware SortKit、Yubin7、Office2013、F*TRAN+V7.0、PDFLIB
Cooperated system  
Devlopment languages VB6.0、.NET VB、Visual Studio 2012
System title Form data creation program
Number of migrated projects About 110 projects
Nubber of migrated programs Approximately 1,700
Migration manpower About 30 man-months
Transition period About 10 months
Customer Major printing company

WEB system development

Education center reservation system

Platform Windows2000Server
Middleware Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
Cooperated system SMTP Server
Development languages .NET ASP、html
Development tools  
Functional overview This system provides a facility reservation of an in-house education center of major precision equipment manufacturing/distributor.
By checking the calendar on the display, you can check availability of each classroom and make reservation of the spot.
Customer Major Precision mechanical equipment manufacturing and sale

Printing industry information management system

Platform Windows2008Server
DBMS SQL Server 2012
Middleware Silverlight
Cooperated system Print server、large printing system
Develepment languages .NET C#、PL/SQL
Development tools Grapecity ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight
Functional overview This system consolidates the printing information which has been delivered from many sites, and make a schedule of printing and delivery, and transfer the processing information to the printer. In addition to that, this system will make a graph of the printer operation status and make cost calculation.
Customer Major carrier

Credit examination system

Platform Windows Server
DBMS Oracle
Middleware Weblogic
Cooperated system  
Development landuages JAVA、JSP
DEvelopment tools Eclipse
Functional overview This system is an examination support application system for some financial company. This system has the function of loan review and progress management of loan application.
Customer Major finantial company